Session — ASN Events
session - COSA Plenary: "Where's Wally?" - Carcinoma of unknown primary session - COSA - The unknown primary: Why bother looking? session - COSA - Unexpected winners and losers session - COSA Best of the Best Orals: Education and Professional Development session - COSA Best of the Best Orals: Melanoma and Skin Cancer session - MASCC/IPOS/COSA - “More than just a pain in the neck” – improving our understanding and responses to the supportive care needs of patients with head and neck cancer session - COSA - Wound care and management session - COSA - “Of mice and men” - SCC and melanoma session - COSA - Next-gen lung cancer management session - COSA Best of the Best Orals: Health Services session - COSA Best of the Best Orals: Clinical Sciences session - COSA Best of the Best Orals: Epidemiology session - COSA Plenary: Beyond the surface session - COSA AGM session - COSA - Effects of therapy: “It’s not only skin deep” session - COSA - Minding your P's and Q's: Psychosocial aspects of urologic cancer session - COSA - Managing non melanomatous skin cancer session - Joint Plenary Panel Discussion: Responding to challenges in the treatment of patients with melanoma and skin cancer session - COSA Plenary: Presidential Lecture Professor Ian Frazer AC session - COSA Breakfast Symposium - Quality and Safety in Cancer Care. Bridging the gap between the practice and policy. session - Joint Breakfast Symposia: Launch of PoCoG SOPs - Streamlining psycho-oncology research – introducing psycho-oncology Standard Operating Procedures & how to use them session - COSA Plenary - Who you are, where you live and how much money you earn: Inequalities in cancer care session - COSA - A-Z of mental health: An update for clinical practitioners session - COSA - Breast cancer: The challenge of diagnostic uncertainty session - COSA - Gut instinct: Getting it right in bowel cancer diagnosis, treatment and care